Today I was trying to find out if nuns have last names. I thought maybe, since they are married to God and often change their first names or add to them, they might not have last names. Based on the number of blogging nuns out there with last names...well, that answered my question. Yes, yes they do keep their last names.
Despite my deplorable religious ignorance, I kind of have to respect Catholicism. I like all the rituals. I also have this (completely unfounded, non-scientific) impression that Catholics don't take themselves as seriously as Protestants. Most likely this is not true (for example, I am 99% sure the Pope takes his faith more seriously than my New Apostolic mother-in-law. Also, recall chocolate Jesus Controversy, 1.0 and get the most recent version here). However, one sister bolsters my irrational claim. Her name is Helena Burns. Guess what she calls her blog? Yeah, that's right HELL BURNS.
It's funny because it's true!
Moral of this story: If your last name is Burns, do not give your offspring a name which can be shortened to "Hell." (Or, for that matter, any object that can be set aflame)